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Week 10 Bacon Games Predictions

Conner4Real vs. Warriors30
Winner: Conner4Real
Warriors30 is still a good team but Connor4Real has scored more points then Warriors this year by 40 and has a way worse record. So this is much closer matchup than the records would imply. Connor4Real (when healthy) has a better team than most and I’ll stick by that each week.

God Hates Jags vs. My Ball Zach Ertz
Winner: God Hates Jags
My Ball Zach Ertz has really fallen into a trap this week. Many of their players are on bye and no one on the wavier wire (or Herndon) can replace his production at the position. Not having another backup QB is another huge problem for the team this week. On the other hand God Hates Jags has a team commensurate with their record and isn’t missing too much on bye so I’m comfortable with my choice.

Smokin LeGarrett Blunts vs. TEBOW TIME
Winner: Smokin LeGarrett Blunts
Really tough call here and I swear I’m not trolling TEBOW TIME here but I think I’ll give a slight edge to Smokin this week. TEBOW is losing some impressive talent this week in Hopkins and Chubb’s decreasing workload. Starting Williams is a huge red flag tho and same with Pascal even against Miami. That’s not to say Smokin doesn’t have their own problems (Jimmy Graham, Cobb, Humphries).

Quon solo vs. Kickers Are People Too
Winner: Quon solo
The Pats are on bye so of course Jake’s team will take a big hit this week. It’s funny though both of these teams look very similar save for the RB situation which Quon solo has a clear advantage. Darren Waller can be considered a good WR3 IMO so starting two tight ends isn’t the worst thing in the word but starting Hunter Renfrow is a problem unless this is daily fantasy baseball.

More Groupies for Dukey vs. BORTAL KOMBAT
Winner: More Groupies for Dukey
BORTAL KOMBAT is on a two game tear, finally answering the question is he better than his predecessor. Happy this squad is showing up to regain some of their preseason vigor. As much as I’m rooting for BORTAL KOMBAT I just don’t like picking against More Groupies generally and this week is no exception. Although A.J. Green’s injury is an auspicious omen for the ghost of Duke Ellington. Could we see BORTAL extend the streak to 3; it’s getting more likely by the week.

The Cleveland Clowns vs. A Team Has No Name
Winner: A Team Has No Name
Good thing Mahomes is playing this week or this might have been really bad for the Clowns. I’m giving a small edge to A Team Has No Name. It’s hard for me to trust Jack Doyle, the new CIN QB, Callaway and even Coleman this week. I can’t say I’m in love with starting Gabriel or Ronald Jones but there are way less question marks on A Team’s team.

Last Week: 3 & 3
Overall: 23 & 31

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Week 10 Chokey League Predictions