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Week 4 Bacon Games Predictions 2020

Check em out nerds

1. Connor4Real vs. Prince of Helaire
Honestly I don’t think I’m ever ganna bet against Connor4Real. The roster is just too strong outside of QB and the QBs have good matchups this week. Easy bet there.

2. Smokin LeGarrett Blunts vs. Warriors30
Battle between two teams that chose to start only 1 QB. I hate that I have to pick one but I’m ganna go with the active owner.

3. Kicker Lives Matter vs. More Groupies for Dukey
More Groupies is hit harder by the sudden league schedule shift than Kickers so I’m going Kickers. Close game but without Henry it’s an easy edge for Kickers.

4. God Hates Jags vs. Plz let me win
Losing JuJu and Ben is real tough for the week. Having to start Hines is cringe. Big mess of a lineup this week for Plz let me win. Easy one for God Hates Jags.

5. Quon Solo vs. The Cleveland Clowns
Close one, don’t really love either of these rosters. I hate the RBs for Quon Solo, I’m not sure about Slayton this week and I don’t like Cook in the flex spot. Quon Solo has a trash lineup so I can’t pick them no matter how much I disagree with some of the starts for the Clowns.

6. TEBOW TIME vs. My Ball Zach Ertz
TEBOW TIME should dominate this matchup, there isn’t much else to say.

Total W/L: 11-7

Week 4 Best Around Predictions 2020

Week 3 Best Around Predictions 2020