You guys are trash and my predictions are gold
Last Week: 5 & 1
Total: 10 & 2
1. Connor4Real vs. The Cleveland Clowns
Get fucked roomie. Don’t know what the final lineup will look like for Connor4Real but I bet it will look better than the Clowns especially if Kittle is active and fully practices Friday. Either way Chase is ganna at least get one bomb TD vs HOU so I’m happy with the lineup so far.
2. Antonios Helmet Service LLC vs. 2 Girls 1 Chubb
If Chark and Crowder actually play this would be an easier choice. But it doesn’t look like either is ganna go so I’m sliding into Antonios DMs. Don’t let me down Katt Daddy.
3. Natural Born Kylers vs. From Wentz You Came
A real close call for me. Love both these teams. Can they tie? I would like that. But if I had to give an edge to a team it’s ganna the one with Preston Williams and Corey Davis. Kylers could easily win this game and I could look like a fool but I’m going with my gut.
4. Hey Darnold vs. Draft Grade B-
A “B-” isn’t a bad grade you know. That’s like what an 82? It’s been so long since I’ve been in school. Lot’s of high risk high reward guys on Draft Grade’s team but I love it. If DeSean can’t get something going against CIN he might be droppable. But I believe in him and surprisingly Lavishka (this week at least).
5. Old Man Rivers vs. Mr Jones and Me
Hard to bet against Old Man Rivers’ talent this week or any week really. Ganna ride till I die here. Not to throw shade at Mr Jones and Me, they have great options going forward like Jeudy, McKinnon and the actual stars of the team but it won’t be enough this week.
6. Thielen Lucky vs. Mauro's Pizza
I am no longer simping. Let me tell you a story.
- Be me
- See hot girl at bar
- Get drunk enough to hit on her at bar
- Get her number
- Things go well for 2 weeks
- Meet up for date, get drinks, talk a long time
- Drink a lot, feeling confident as hell
- End of night go in to seal the deal
- Get rejected, too high on self and booze
- Only solace is Pizza place across the street. Eat pizza and it taste like heaven
- Hopefully it won’t give me food poisoning
That’s how I feel about this week