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Week 8 Bacon Games Predictions 2020

Predictions are OK so far, not where I want them to be
Weekly Totals: 24 & 18

1. Connor4Real vs. More Groupies for Dukey
Even with everyone on bye Connor4Real still won’t be beat (by anyone who is actually managing thier team).

2. Plz let me win vs. My Ball Zach Ertz
No Drake, no Aikers (because he is trash) and Swift isn’t as good as people think he is right now (but the line is good so that’s annoying). If Plz let me win doesn’t win this week they should kiss thier playoff chances goodbye. Must win.

3. TEBOW TIME vs. Warriors30
I don’t like anything about the Warriors30 lineup even if the replacements come from the waiver wire. Sucks man.

4. Quon Solo vs. God Hates Jags
Second battle of the brothers we’ve had this year. Who is the true alpha male brother? It’s Quon Solo. A way better roster all around for Quon Solo giving him the edge. Also why are there many Giants in this matchup, not good guys.

5. Prince of Helaire vs. Smokin LeGarrett Blunts
No Ingram, no Hooper only 1 QB. Prince of Helaire needs to win this one because this matchup is so soft.

6. The Cleveland Clowns vs. Kicker Lives Matter
Both very solid rosters (If the Clowns remove thier second tight end from the starting roster) but Kicker is too good.

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