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Week 6 Best Around Predictions 2020

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Season Predictions: 22 & 8

1. Connor4Real vs. Antonios Helmet Service LLC
Conner4Real’s team is washed, Gordon is back at practice which will limit Lindsay’s upside. If there was enough bye week help I could have maybe taken Connor but it just isn’t there.

2. Draft Grade B- vs. Old Man Rivers
Gonna be a close one that might actually hang on where Lev Bell signs and if he’s active this weekend/maybe Monday. Think I’m ganna go with Draft Grade B- even if I don’t like Akers/Deebo and Rodgers matchup.

3. Thielen Lucky vs. From Wentz You Came
Simpin’ all over the world. Both these teams are good but Thielen is better.

4. The Cleveland Clowns vs. 2 Girls 1 Chubb
Clowns lineup is very yikes. That’s all I need. Lenny should be back this week and good going forward even if it hurts Rojo; which it will.

5. Mauro's Pizza vs. Natural Born Kylers
Oh man, I hate both superflex QBs. Think the X-factor here is Slayton/Higgins over Ebron/Harris. Going with Natural Born Kylers.

6. Hey Darnold vs. Mr Jones and Me
Please get a damn QB Hey Darnold. You need at least two to stay competitive. I like the team otherwise. If this team would have grabbed Dalton I could have seen a big comeback for them.

Week 7 Best Around Predictions 2020

Week 6 Chokey Predictions 2020