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Week 2 Chokey Predictions 2020

Week 2 hopefully better than week 1

1. Lame Nerd Cuck vs. Marianne Williamson, High Priestess of the Cube
Ganna be a tight game for sure. HOU going up against BAL is real bad for Marianne tho. Love the WR group on Marianne compared to Lame Nerd Cuck but the opposite is true for the RBs. If Kittle can’t go I might have to change my pick. I reserve that right *posts status saying facebook can’t violate my privacy* UwU

2. The Mighty Wormatogues vs. The Kamara Loves Me
The Mighty Wormatouges feels like the safer pick by far. Solid team all around with good upside. Kamara Loves Me has some good matchups but I don’t love Boyd, White and maybe Kelley this week. If Higbee can keep up with Kelce this week it will be an easy win for the Wormatouges.

3. Saquadriceps Femoris vs. Da Blochinators
For Da Blochintors Henry is ganna run all over the Jags D. Prescott, Godwin and A. Rob all have great matchups. But this team is a bit too top heavy for me. Murray is probs a low RB3 and I dislike Crowder as a player but I guess he gets targets. Saquadriceps is a top to bottom great team, ganna be hard for me to pick against them this year (especially with Thomas out for a while).

4. Behind the Steel Curtain vs. Chris Leem's Totts
Made the rookie mistake of picking against the Steel Curtain. WELL NO LONGER. Should be a close game tho. IDK if Landry will play, Hines is a one week wonder and I like Logan Thomas just not nearly as much as I love Goedert.

5. Stud Muffins vs. Miles Fisher, Where is He? IDK IDK
I’m ganna be honest I just saw Jonathan Taylor in the flex and Engram in the other flex and smashed that like button on Miles Fisher (which is a reference I don’t know/get). I think that’s a fair way to pick a winner. Also Fuller, Singletary and Big Ben are all questions for me this week.

6. Stairway to Kevin vs. Pizza 🍕
Sometimes I try to make Rob Cole happy. Will it be a Pyrrhic victory?

Overall: 1 & 5

Week 2 Bacon Games Predictions 2020

Week 1 2020 Chokey Predictions