ONly the best takes here.

Chokey Total Prediction Record 2020

How did I do predicting your team this year?

Behind the Steel Curtain (6-7)
Chris Leem's Totts (8-5)
Da Blochinators (7-6)
Lame Nerd Cuck (8-5)
Lazard People (8-5)
Marianne Williamson, High Priestess of the Cube (7-6)
Pizza 🍕 (6-7)
Saquadriceps Femoris (8-5)
Stud Muffins (3-10)
The Kamara Loves Me (9-4)
The Mighty Wormatogues (7-6)
Yami Yugi (10-3)

Bacon Games Prediction Record 2020

Week 16 Bacon Games Predictions 2020